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Orbits of the Heart

1 minute read


I saw her first, white boots and all
Through the buzz of bees
We met, not too far from her garden
On another planet, as if across
Two celestial counties

Cycles and Patterns

6 minute read


or “History doesn’t repeat, but it sure does rhyme”

On Confidence … tags

2 minute read


Aside from posting blogs, I’ve been journalling for a while now. I’ve also been writing, but not posting, megalomaniacal short stories starring myself for even longer, but that’s a post for another time (set of posts - do I do series now? Sigh).

An impotent illumination

8 minute read


(This was an old short story that I had submitted to my school’s annual literary magazine circa 2014, that, unfortunately, had not gotten published. I distinctly remember my remark on the rejection, “Meh, kids these days…”.

The Accidental Eavesdropper

4 minute read


(This was a short story I had gotten published in my school’s annual literary magazine circa 2014.)

The Sign on the Road

7 minute read


(This remains till date, an unsubmitted, and possibly incomplete, short story I once though I’d submit to my school magazine. I think I balked at how the ending had unravelled and it seemed without a satisfying end. I recently discovered it in my email drafts with the note: “I think I lose it somewhere in the end.” Posting it now, unedited, written by my 2014 (or 2017) self because I had never put it up, as well as because I think my younger self was onto … something)

The Sea’s Flair

1 minute read


Like a breath of fresh air,
From a cold and clammy despair
Fresh, like an ambush from the sea
She was rare,
Few and far between

Adult Hobbies

5 minute read


I ripped open the energy gel as another convertible zipped past me on the Bolinas Lagoon near Stinson beach. As I squeezed the contents awkwardly into my mouth, balancing my bicycle with the other hand, I remember wondering for the tiniest instant why I was doing what I was doing.

An Unfamiliar Me

1 minute read


I greeted her on a starry night sky
At the base of a dying tree
With closed eyes,
And a deep sigh
I met an old but unfamiliar me

The Poise of Dawn

1 minute read


The eyes, they say, have it all
Here too, the maxim’s true
But, knowing her
Rather a confining one
To befall

On starting this … thing back up again

2 minute read


The last time I published a blog post was in 2014. I think. Was it 2013? Something after that stopped me from publishing. I moved from wordpress to a new website to another website. Now, maybe in a futile effort, I’d like to give it a try again.

Makings of a bibliophile ??

1 minute read


It was April, and I was back home for the last time before my my end semester exams. My mom and brother were leaving for Lucknow to meet a few relatives so it was gonna be me and my dad alone in the house for about a week. I was hanging around the house when I took up a long forgotten idea of mine.

Truly Humbling.

3 minute read


Have you heard of the “Pillars of Creation” ? The “Eagle Nebula” ? What about this image - have you seen it somewhere ?

Roger Federer - An obituary due??

4 minute read


As I sit typing, drowning my sorrow with RHCP, the last few shots of the Federer vs Djokovic match flash by. The loss confirmed a fact long since avoided by his greatest and most devoted of followers and thought about, albeit secretly, and whispered quietly at the end of each damned match, all the while trying to run from something unstoppable, hoping against hope that the next match would save them and prove them wrong - the fall of Roger Federer.


less than 1 minute read


Ok. Ages since i last wrote… college life is too busy at the time, but I haven’t been completely inactive - I changed my theme - a new, fresh one. And I came to the conclusion that I needed to really understand how to tweak around with Wordpress settings and also figure out what my blog was to be about.I’ve been fairly varied in my last(and only) 3 posts.Here goes.I’ve decided I’m gonna follow a few fairly typical topics - the tech world (impossible to leave it for a geek like me), music, movies,TV series, books I read, recent sports, maybe try my hand at understanding and commenting upon global politics and almost any pseudo-philosophical thought that pervades my mind.

1 minute read

Get some sense of personal space!!!

3 minute read


People in Delhi’s metros have ABSOLUTELY no sense of personal space!! Getting out or rather,  being lugged out of the metro bogey last evening while returning during the formidable metro-rush hour (that’s 8 to 11 and 5 to 8 for non-frequenters) I actually felt something close to violently puke-ish.





Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.

Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.